Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Bible Study

Last night I went to our home group Bible study and all I can say is awesome.
We truely do serve a God who loves us more than we can even begin to understand or comprehend.
I have a confession to make.
I have not been praying and have my quiet times with God as much as a Christian should. There never seems to be enough time or there is always something else that needs to be done.
At last nights home group we watched a DVD on prayer. I couldnt believe that something that had been filmed some 14 years ago in the States could speak directly into my life at this very moment.
It was truly amazing.
I realised last night that there is nothing more inportant than spending real quality time with your saviour.

The washing can wait
The dishes can wait
Dinner can wait
The programme that just came on and looks super interesting can wait

Last night God prompted me to share something very personal about my family and I and although it happened a couple of months ago, I felt he wanted me to tell the group, which I did ( I have learnt the hard way that when he speaks to you, just listen, dont argue!)
It turns out that there was a woman sitting next to me that is going through the EXACT same thing that I shared about and was feeling very down about it. After the group time ended, she hugged me for a long time and shared her story with me. We have known each other for a few years, but only in the last few weeks become friends and I truely feel that God only wanted us to get close now.
I am constantly in awe of the God we serve and his perfect timing!
So, this morning I was up at 5am to have my God time and I can promise you, it was worth more than the extra half hour sleep! Nothing got me down after that.
Not the fact that it was cold and I had to shower and wash my hair...
Not the fact that I forgot to put on my rings and earrings and I have a smart work function tonight...
Not the fact that I was at work at 7.15am this morning and my swipe card for some reason wouldnt let me in the building and I had to wait in the cold with arms full of stuff...
Not the fact that I got here at 7.15am, have to travel to Pinetown at 16.00pm for a function thats only going to end at 22.30pm, meaning I will only get home after 23.00pm...
Not the crazy people in the traffic this morning that cut us off and jumped the queue...
Not the lady at work that looks as though she is sucking on lemons everyday...


The peace that you get from spending just 15 mins with God in the morning is enough to help you through the whole day...
I dont understand why I havent been doing this in the past.

God gives you so much more than you give him...

Have a day filled to the brim with blessings and just take a moment to thank the Lord that you had a bed to get out of - even though you didnt want to!

Love Chell


aurora said...

Wow, Chell, your post really touched me. I really needed to hear this today. I totally agree, but it is amazing how we slowly let the world take over our lives and we need to be centered again.

Glad that you had this really neat experience.

Grace said...

thanks so much for reading my blog! it will be nice to see the point of view of a south african who's also living here. i'll be checking up on you frequently!

Yvonne said...

What a great post--thank you so much for sharing such deep, personal thoughts. You are so right that there is nothing more important than that time we can spend in communication with Him.

Also, thank you for sharing your wonderful experience--when we're prompted, we need to do!

elasticwaistbandlady said...

Every time I've pushed away propmtings and dismissed them as "crazy" I've come to regret it. Every. Single. Time.

It's good that you're embracing these things so early in your life. Just think you'll have this spiritual thing mastered at 21 and you can then move on to bigger and better challenges because you'll have a Heavenly ally on your side.

aubreyannie said...

what a beautiful post, chell. it is so important to take that time to listen quietly and pray to God every day. thank you for the reminder. and that is wonderful that you told the group your story so that you could help out that other lady.