Thursday, May 8, 2008


My parents farm in New future home

(Thanks Aubrey, for this wonderful idea....)


aurora said...

That is absolutely gorgeous! wow.

Gee... I have always wanted to visit New Zealand... haha!

aubreyannie said...

wha?? that is where your parents live?! i want that to be my future home too! love this wordless!

aurora said...

Okay, so I come to New Zealand and you come to America. Done!

Chellie said...

So lovely. I think you'll find a wonderful life there. My husband is an Aussie and he frequented New Zealand often, he says it's beautiful :)

elasticwaistbandlady said...

Ever since watching The Chronicles Of Narnia and Lord Of The Rings I've wanted to visit the lush beauty of New Zealand.

I even like one of their Maori singing sensations, Anika Moa and I can tolerate Shepherd's Pie. It's destiny that I should go!

Great picture.

amy mo said...

That's so pretty & big!! I'm happy that you'll get to live in such an awesome place

Nancy Face said...

I would love to go to New Zealand some day...I just have to get over my intense fear of flying! AAAGGGHHH! :0

Before Kris and I got married, he lived in New Zealand for two years while on a church mission there. He LOVED it! :)

Busy Bee Lauren said...

My dad lived in New Zealand for two years...he loved it!

That is such a beautiful shot!

catbomb said...

Awww lovely. what part of NZ do they live in? that's cool that you want to move here, we have a lot of gorgeous space to share!